Thursday, March 12, 2015

My Story

   I just wanted to share my story with other women who may be going through the same thing that i have been through. Hopefully this will give you some encouragement, inspite of what you are facing right now.

   Okay let's start from the beginning. My husband and I have been married for seven years now. For the first four years we tried to concieve with no success.  I had been  told by docotors that I would not have children because I was diagnosed  with PCOS (polycistic ovarian syndrome). Well, guess what? On November 22, 2013 God proved them wrong. I went to the doctor that day because i was not feeling well. I thought maybe it was just my acid reflux flaring up, but i found out that i was pregnant!! My husband and I were in total shock, because we had been told so many times that  we would not be able to have kids.
       I just sat on that table in the doctors office and cried. I couldn't  belive that after four years of trying that it finally happened. Now of course the nurses and doctor suggested that i suprise my family  by waiting until Christmas to tell them. I said okay, but as soon as i left that office the first person that i called was my mom. She was in tears. She couldn't  belive that it had finally happened. We came up with a plan to tell everyone during thanksgiving dinner. We would have everoyone say what they were thankful for and then when it was my turn, that's  when i would reveal that i was pregnant.
    My whole family was shocked and so happy for me and my husband. After four years of trying, I had really given up. I told my husband that if God wanted us to have children that it would happen and if not, then it just wasn't meant to be.I guess it's  true what they say, when you stop trying to concive thats when it happens.
  Being pregant was the greatest feeling in the world. It was not easy but I was just so happy to have a little one growing inside of me that it really didnt bother me too much.
The pregnancy was going fine then things took a turn for the worst. On March 20, 2014, i was experiencing some real sharp pains in my lower back and pressure in my pelvic area. I didn't  really think too much about it because i had been told by different doctors that it was just part of my body adjusting itself for the baby.
   Boy were they wrong. Later that day i went to the emergency  room because the pain had gotten worse. Thats when i found out that i was five centimeters  dilated. I was was rushed up to the maternity floor only to be told by the docotor that my son wasn't  going to make it. My husband and i were devestated. We both cried and asked God why was this happening to us. I think the hardest part was having to call our families and tell them. After about an hour i got this strange feeling. God told me to stop crying  and that everything would be okay. The nurse came back in the room and told me that i would be placed on bed rest and that i would have to lay in a certain position  to try and keep the baby in. She told me not to get my hopes up and that it may not work. I told her that i would do whatever it took to try and save my baby. That night i had different doctors coming in to talk about different plans of what would happen if i did end up having my son that night or even the next day. They were telling me that if he came that night or the next day that he would not make it. After i had talked to the second doctor, i had already made up in my mind that my son  was going to be okay. I was really tired and worn out  because it had been a long emotional day. My family and my hubands family came to visit me and prayed over me, and just tried to encoyrage me. Little did we know that a miracle was gettig ready to tak place.

To be continued....